Monday, 27 August 2012

The Flat

I don't think my original batch of iPhone pictures did a good job of showing the layout of the apartment.  Here are some that I took on the first night with the camera.  I also did an MS Paint floor plan drawing.  I figure the whole place is about 360sq ft (12' x 30'), so not big, but functional when you don't have any need to store much stuff.

I didn't really take any pictures of the bathroom or closet area.  Maybe after housekeeping comes on Wednesday, I'll take some pictures of the bathroom :P

The apartment is on the 28th floor of a 30-storey building that sits along the Singapore River.  If I hang my head out the window and look to the left, I can see the Marina Bay Sands hotel (the three towers with a boat on top), otherwise my view is mostly all the skyscrapers of the Central Business District, Boat Quay, the Riverwalk, Chinatown, and Clarke Quay.

I also found out the approximate monthly rent for this place.  Fully furnished, housekeeping once a week, no fitness area, no pool.  Put your guess in $SGD in the comments and maybe I'll bring the winner a souvenir :)  $1 CAD ≈ $1.25 SGD


Kitchen from the front door looking through to the living room.

Bedroom and living room.  There is a big window (almost the entire wall) between the bedroom and living room and there is a sliding glass door if you want to separate the bedroom from the kitchen.  I've yet to use it.

More pictures after the jump.

Living room with a wall of floor to ceiling windows.  Thinking of getting a rug.  Saw a nice one at IKEA that I might go back and get.

Living Room and Bedroom.  The one wall in the kitchen is covered in mirrors.  Bathroom on the right.

View looking down.

Chinatown in the distance.  Boat Quay on the left (all the buildings that look like houses).

Central Business District, Fullerton Hotel to the left of skyscrapers, museums and civic buildings (left foreground), Boat Quay (right foreground).

Clarke Quay

Apartment layout

Exterior of the building.  I think there are apartments on the 25-30th floors.


  1. Very good way of making use of limited space. Do you have a blind there on the bedroom "window"?

    I like Mike's guess... $901 is mine! Who is going for $1?!?

  2. There is a good blackout blind on the bedroom window. However, the blinds in the living room let in a lot of light.

    So, the guesses thus far are:
    Mike: $900
    Chad: $901
    Chrissy (facebook): $2000 CAD ~ $2500 SGD
    Sheila (facebook): $2400 CAD ~ $3000 SGD

    We'll do this The Price Is Right style. So closest without going over.

  3. I agree with Mike... so $3201 SGD :P

  4. No one got particularly close, but the guesses were going in the right direction. Rent is 5000 SGD/month (~4000 CAD). Mike F, I'll find you an "I ♥ SG" shot glass :P

  5. Ha! Good timing. Ok, Shaunna and Mike can share the prize!

  6. Man - I thought about putting 4k (so did Mike) but we thought we'd go over (hoped?). Crazy (and I bet you are glad you aren't paying that!)

  7. I can't imgaine paying that myself. I guess these 'service apartments' are targetted at temporary stays. I wanted to look if this was reasonable and found some studio apartments a little ways away that are SGD$12600/month, so it definitely can be higher.

  8. Here we go. These are the rates right from the building's website. Looks like Allscripts got a deal on my place.
